NPL (Nutritional Performance Labs) has joined the everythingHair family of brands; bringing with it diverse performance products that will improve mental and physical performance. Being the pioneer within the industry, NPL is the first Sports Nutrition company to create a Non-Proprietary Blend Policy (Non-proprietary blend labels disclose all ingredients and their exact dosages, unlike other competitors of NPL) to ensure accurate and clinically proven doses in each product they produce.
About NPL:
NPL is dedicated to advancing mental and physical performance in athletes and active individuals. When producing their cutting-edge performance supplementation, they ensure accurate and clinically proven doses in every product. Their mission is to formulate and produce the world’s most effective sports supplements. Their non-proprietary blends policy ensures that you know the exact amount of each ingredient you are putting into your body. Why? Because, just like you, we are driven by results.
What’s Your Goal?
NPL offers a variety of products; all developed to meet the performance need of the individual and as there is a host of products, there is a specific product for each health and performance goal ( this brings a personal touch to the NPL brand ). Fat loss, muscle gain, lifestyle, and recovery are the four main categories that NPL focuses on; including more in-depth sub-categories to better meet the individuals’ performance needs, namely:
Men: Lean Muscle, Size & Strength, Fat Loss, and CrossFit
Women: Fat Loss/Toning, Lean Muscle Gain, CrossFit and Go Green
The BIG 5 of NPL
The BIG 5 of NPL
When it comes to health, many of us are quick to prioritize family, work, and social events before ourselves, sometimes to the detriment of our health and well-being. NPL has committed to providing the best quality nutrients and health supplements that will benefit you and your body.
Below are the TOP 5 Best Sellers:
Thermo Cuts Gold
NPL Thermo Cuts is an advanced thermogenic fat burner, formulated with several key ingredients that work synergistically to boost energy levels, promote metabolism, and ultimately accelerate fat loss.
Shape & Tone – 120 Capsules
Shape & Tone is a stimulant-free, all-day lipotropic fat metabolizing supplement formulated to assist weight-loss efforts, increase energy, and reduce stress and fatigue.
L-carnitine is an amino acid that helps convert fat into energy by shuttling fatty acids into cells for energy production.
Cleanse & Detox – 60 Capsules
Creatine Monohydrate provides the purest, most readily absorbed form of creatine available. Through many clinical studies, creatine monohydrate increases strength, power, and anaerobic endurance. Our Creatine increases lean muscle growth and lean muscle management and recovery. Creatine builds muscle mass and provides optimal brain function.
Platinum Whey
Full spectrum protein blend with 7 sources of lean protein to increase protein intake and enhance muscle recovery and lean muscle maintenance
Double Choc 1kg
Caramel Fudge 1kg
Vanilla Bean 1kg
Quality first. No-proprietary blends. Full label disclosure.
The NPL pledge to its customer – with their glass house approach to their brand (baring it all and having nothing to hide which is pretty rare in this day and age) and a countless number of reviews, everythingHair is proud to have such an established performance brand join the family.
For the full product list, click HERE