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How to Prevent & Treat Hair Loss

How to Prevent & Treat Hair Loss

Nov 15, 2023Isobelle van Zyl

We all want to look and feel our best, but when you’re experiencing thinning hair and hair loss, it can seem like looking your best is but a dream. Since it’s more helpful understanding the “WHY?” of something happening before trying to fix it, let us look at the causes of hair loss, thinning hair and the best ways to treat it.

Causes of Hair Loss and Thinning Hair?

There are many causes of hair loss, with the most common being androgenetic alopecia which is genetic. Age is a big factor and unfortunately, we cannot do anything about aging but we can do something to slow its progress. We naturally lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair each day. The same follicles will continue to regrow those lost hairs over and over. But as we age, some of those follicles will stop working. But don’t worry. Most of these causes are treatable.

Male and Female Pattern Baldness

Both men and women can experience pattern baldness. This loss is called androgenetic alopecia and it’s in our genes. Hormone deficiencies or changes can also cause androgenetic alopecia but most likely, you inherited it. Some young men do experience pattern baldness but over 60% of all men over age 50 will experience some sort and for women, it is 40%.

For men, androgenetic alopecia will affect their hair starting from the hairline towards the back of the head. Ladies can expect to see it more on the crown of the head. For both males and females, there are solutions and we’ll be looking at those shortly.

Alopecia Areata

Some people experience hair loss in round patches on their scalps, eyebrows, facial hair, or any place on the body with hair. This is called alopecia areata and it is either hereditary or related to environmental factors.

Additional Causes of Hair Loss

Diet, stress, vitamin D deficiency, and even pregnancy can play a huge role in hair loss and hair thinning problems. Stress can be difficult to deal with and it can affect us in so many negative ways. It’s important to manage your stress for a variety of reasons. Warding off hair loss is just one. While vitamin D deficiency can be related to diet, we also obtain it from exposure to the sun. So yes, get outside and enjoy that sunshine!. Finally, pregnancy can be a cause of hair loss. But don’t worry as there are ways to restore your hair and healthy shine you had before pregnancy.

Prevention and Treatments:

Are you becoming frustrated each time you look in the mirror and notice your thinning hair? Is not being confident about how you look causing even more stress? Well, you have come to the right place as we have some great ideas to help you out.


Let’s start with Revita Hair Stimulating Shampoo and Conditioner. Revita is a great line that has been clinically proven to provide longer, thicker, and fuller-looking hair. It is designed to stimulate hair growth as well as prevent further hair loss. Basically, Revita is a skincare for the scalp. It nourishes both hair and scalp with amino acids that promote growth by strengthening the hair shaft. It is also packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. This help protects against pollutants and chemicals that damage hair and prevent healthy growth.

Spectral Range

If you need more help with hair loss prevention or restimulating and regrowing hair, you may want to move to the Spectral range of hair care products.

Spectral DNC-N – Hair density serum with Nanoxidil 5%
Spectral.DNC-N is a breakthrough hair support system that contains Nanoxidil. Nanoxidil is a powerful alternative to commercial grade minoxidil. Unlike mass-produced minoxidil-based products, Spectral.DNC-N is going to deliver a broad range of ingredients that will all work together to provide you with a fuller head of hair.

Spectral DNC-S – Extra strength hair density + gray control serum
Has your hair been thinning for a while now? Are you in the advanced stages of baldness? Then you may want to move on to the next product in the Spectral line, Spectral.DNC-S. This clinically researched and backed product is for you. Using a great combination of ingredients that perform through complementary pathways, Spectral.DNC-S has been proven time and time again to deliver advanced hair-stimulating effectiveness. It works great for both men and women.

Spectral RS – High-performance anti-thinning hair treatment
Do you want an all-natural product that doesn’t use minoxidil? Then perhaps Spectral.RS is the choice for you. This product was developed with advanced technology to combat thinning hair from factors such as aging, environmental pollutants, ultraviolet radiation, styling chemicals, changing hormones, and stress factors.

Spectral F7 – Hair Stimulating Efficacy Booster
One more great Spectral product is Spectral F7. This product can be used alone if you’re in the beginning stages of hair thinning but if you’re in the more advanced stages, you’re going to want to use it as a booster. Spectral F7 is going to increase the efficacy of your current treatment program.

Summing It All Up

When purchasing hair loss prevention and regrowth products be sure to purchase well-researched, proven products from a reputable laboratory like those listed above from DS Laboratories. Using these products and the above treatments are sure to give you the shiny, thick, full head of hair that you deserve to have.

For the full DS Laboratories product list, click HERE

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