Vitaderm Hydroxy Acid Serum 30ml
R 740.00
R 740.00
A revolutionaryÊsuper active night serumÊrich inÊalpha-ÊandÊbeta hydroxy acidsÊto effectivelyÊsmoothÊthe skinÕs surface,Êstimulate cellular renewal, target unevenÊpigmentationÊandÊreduce congestion.
This Hydroxy Acid Serum incorporates theÊpowerful exfoliating effectÊof bothÊalpha-ÊandÊbeta hydroxyÊacids,ÊincludingÊmandelic-,Êsalicylic-,Êglycolic-,Êpyruvic-ÊandÊlacticÊacidÊto visiblyÊimprove skin clarity. These powerful ingredients work together toÊrestore radianceÊto all skin types and assist inÊreducing fine linesÊand wrinkles by promoting the desquamation of keratinised skin cells andÊstimulating cellular regeneration.
Specifically salicylic acid, an oil-soluble beta hydroxy acid, has the proven ability toÊexfoliate inside the pilosebaceous unit, therebyÊdecongestingÊthe pores for an overallÊclearer, healthierÊcomplexion.
In the case of oily/acne-prone skin types, this serum encouragesÊfewer breakoutsÊby replenishing the acid mantle of the epidermis. By restoring this natural acidity, the skin is able to protect itself more effectively against microbes.
This product also assists the skin inÊhealingÊmore rapidly. Ideal for those concerned with uneven pigmentation, congestion and fine lines and wrinkles.