DS Laboratories

DS Laboratories - SPECTRAL BROW

R 1,650.00
R 1,650.00

Women and men have been applying make-up to make their eyebrows look thicker for thousands of years. Thicker-looking eyebrows can help structure your face and draw attention to your eyes. In recent years,  breakthroughs in biotechnology have rendered eyebrow make-up a thing of the past. Instead of just looking like you have fuller, healthier eyebrows, you can achieve it.

Taking those biotechnology breakthroughs to new levels of effectiveness, DS Laboratories is proud to present Spectral. BROW, our latest product, designed to stimulate eyebrow growth and density. Spectral. BROW not only enhances the appearance of thickness but also improves the health and quality of the hairs that grow.

Fuller, Denser Brows - Quickly

Spectral. BROW leverages DS Laboratories' proprietary ingredient Nanoxidil®, which we specifically designed to stimulate hair growth, without the negative side-effects of Minoxidil.

Nanosome Technology

DS Laboratories' cutting-edge nanosome technology allows ingredients to penetrate the skin to the desired depth, ensuring maximum efficacy with each active. Due to its higher stability, this technology offers you unique active ingredients at a higher concentration

How to use

Apply twice a day, morning and evening. Press the button to dispense the solution. Apply by tracing the eyebrow. Do not apply inside the eye or around the tear duct. After application, let the product dry for a few minutes. Once dry, you can continue with your usual make-up routine.